2.10. EO 1824 freighter 4,500 GRT, course 3100 |
4.10. EO 1852 freighter 3,500 GRT, course 1400 |
5.10. EO 1493 freighter 4,000 GRT, left on fire and sinking, course 3100. |
All torpedoes used, starting return passage. |
4) |
U 514 sighted nothing in FA 3180 to FB 5830 from 29.9. to 2.10. and again nothing on 5.10. in FB 5840. Boat suspects traffic from FC 78 to ED 99, away from the coast outside the 200 meter line. |
5) |
U 517 situation: only inward and outward-bound convoys in the St. Lawrence River area, escorted by a destroyer, corvettes, and escort vessels. Aircraft by day and night. Lively traffic probably in BA 36 - BB 42 - 46 - 49 or 54, nothing seen in BB 43 and 51. No radar, only hydrophone hunts, which are impeded by density layering. |
6) |
U 156 encountered no traffic in the sea area around FE. |
7) |
U 107
chased 2 steamers from ET 8179 via 5730 to 5560 and there sank
"Andalusia Star" (14,943 GRT). |
8) |
U 459 sighted a light carrier-borne aircraft in FD 6463. |
9) |
U 333 was located by a corvette in about ET 2989 and fired on with guns and machine guns at ranges from 1500 - 0 meters. 1 officer and 3 ratings killed, 1 petty officer missing, C.O. and First Watchkeeping Officer wounded. Boat badly damaged, but can dive. A rendezvous is being arranged with U 459, which is nearby (M.O. on board). |
b) |
None. |
c) |
U-boat sightings: DN 46, FP 12, FD 33, BA 3725. |
U-boat attack: BB 8721 (English "Milerest" 5,283 GRT). |
English aircraft reported U-boats in about AL 26, AN 5730, AM 5473 and in 2 more unresolved positions. |
d) |
None. |
IV. |
Current Operations: |
a) |
Convoy No. 57: |
After first light the convoy operation was finally broken off. U 619, 620, 582, 602, 662 and 382, which had not yet reported were told to make their positions. Boats are to steer for AK 38 for the present. All boats reported in the course of the day except U 582 and U 619. The former had trouble with the transmitter and possibly cannot get a report through on her emergency transmitter in this bad weather. U 619 last had contact with the convoy in AL 2565, U 257 had to start on return passage because of bomb damage. The remaining boats and a few additional ones are to be formed into Group "Panther" and were ordered to be in patrol line from AK 3819 to AL 7555 from 0800/7/10 in the order U 582 - 441 - 662 - 620 - 382 - 602 - 575 - 735 - 254 - 353 - 437 - 442 - 597 - 610 - 706 - 260 - 757 - 454 - and 84. Several boats reported that they could not take up their positions until 9.10. owing to weather conditions. It is necessary to extend this patrol line over such a large area, as latterly the convoys have not followed the Great Circle, but apparently made a long detour to the N. |
b) |
1) |
Owing to the strong S.W. gale U 410 and 607 have been ordered to proceed to Group "Wotan's" patrol line at cruising speed only. |
2) |
As the next PQ convoy is expected to sail within the next |