Convoy No. 8: (First detected by U 552 at 0534 on 31.10 in AK 9973.) |
At 0932 U 552 reported contact in AL 5743, course 300. At 1142 U 567 reported a chaser group 20 miles astern of the convoy. Contact was then interrupted and was not reestablished by morning. Air reconnaissance also had no success in finding the convoy. |
Results to date: |
U 552 - 1 destroyer sunk. |
- 1 steamer torpedoed. |
U 567 - 2 steamers, hits probable. |
Convoy No. 9: (First detected by U 96 at 2124 on 31.10 in AL 7898.) |
At 1121 U 96 sighted the convoy in BD 3636, course 1700, and reported at 1230 that it consisted merely of 2 detached steamers with destroyer escort. The whole convoy came in to sight at 1402 in BD 3933 on a southerly course. Contact was maintained until 2001, when it was lost in BE 1774. Boat followed up on different courses without success. At 0256 she reported very lights in a bearing on 1200, in BD 6328. Searched till morning without success. |
Weather: S.E. 1-2, visibility over 10 miles. |
At 1630 U 502 reported operation against convoy given up because of loss of fuel. U 572 reported that she was stalking this convoy. |
The following outward bound boats have also been committed: U 201, 98 and 373. In addition, U 103, 107 and 66, coming from the south. |
The following boats are now stalking the convoy: U 96, 77, 751, 568, 98, 201, 373, 103, 107 and 66. Air reconnaissance has been ordered for 2.11. |
Convoy No. 10: |
U 374 (committed to Convoy No. 7) sighted a convoy at 1500 in BC 4172, course 500. Boat was forbidden to attack and ordered to shadow the convoy. U 569, 38, 82, 202, 84, 203, 93 and 85 belonging to Group "Schlagetot", were instructed to operate against the convoy, as were U 123 and U 106. These boats were combined to form Group "Raubritter". Order given: Search sector 200 to 700, starting from position in BC 4172 at 1500. |
Sequence from the north: U 123, 569, 38, 82, 202, 84, 203, 93, 85. U 374 was given a free hand, as was U 74, who had also hoped to join in the convoy attack. U 106 was requested to report her intentions in connection with the attack. At 2001 U 374 reported convoy in BC 4191 course 500, speed 9 knots. Contact was lost, at 0300 again restored in BC 4133, course 200, then once more interrupted. Shadower forced to submerge. |
Radio communication was extremely poor. Reports were not received here until hours later. U 203 also reported no reception on Greenland radio service. No further reports had come in by the morning. |