16.10. |
The following boats are in the attacking areas southeast of Greenland: |
U 573, U 374, U 208, U 109. |
Boats in AK and AL which are operating on returning convoys: |
U 553, U 568, U 502, U 432, U 558, U 77, U 751, U 73, U 101. |
Boats en route to the operational area: |
U 569, U 123, U 38, U 82. |
West of Gibraltar: |
U 204, U 564, U 563, U 206, U 83, U 71. |
In the operational area west of Africa: |
U 103, U 107, U 125, U 66, U 126. |
Off St. Helena: U 68. |
On the way back north of the Canaries: U 108, off Lorient: U 67. |
The following boats are in the operational area in the Mediterranean: |
U 559, U 79, U 97, U 371, U 75. |
U 204 reported that refueling from "Gata" had been carried out. After this no further refueling was possible from "Gata" on account of lack of supplies. |
There are still only 4 boats at present off the southern tip of Greenland - a very small number for the size of the area. With such small numbers they can only obtain hits by luck. Therefore these boats are to carry out a reconnaissance off the Belle Isle Straits, a plan which has been under consideration for a long time. Boats U 573, U 374, U 208 and U 109 received orders to steer to square AJ 71, day's run 120 miles. After making a request to the Naval War Staff, permission to attack, as is general outside the blockade area, was granted in this area. |
U 568 gave a shadowing report at 0204 in AK 6649 on the returning convoy, which was picked up yesterday by U 553, and reported the sinking of a steamer of 4,000 GRT in the convoy. It continued to maintain contact, U 502 and U 558 likewise reported the convoy. U 553 made contact again at 1637 and reported the convoy in AL 4152. The differences in reckoning of the boats are partly due to the bad weather conditions. Orders were given that the reckoning of U 553 was to be used as a basis, when making shadowing reports and so on. At 1744, U 553 reported the first Sunderland attached to the convoy. It was then at about 260 West. |