16.7. |
Distribution of the U-boats: |
In the Atlantic operations area: U A in the Cape Verde area, U 26, 30, 34, 52, 99, 102, 122 in the sea area W of Cape Finisterre, Biscay, W approach to the English Channel. |
On return passage: U 43 W. of Ireland. |
In Wilhelmshaven dockyard: U 25, 28, 29, 32, 37, 38, 65. |
In Kiel dockyard: U 46, 47, 48, 51. |
U A reported her results so far as 23,600 tons, she must therefore have sunk at least 2 medium-sized steamers in addition to the auxiliary cruiser in the N. patrol. She considers it necessary to return home owing to damage to her engines. |
17.7. |
Radio intelligence reports, and reports from the G.A.F. indicate that traffic to England is being re-routed, owing to especially to the activity of the G.A.F. on the sea routes in the English Channel. One convoy has already put into the North Channel and another is to be expected shortly, according to radio intelligence. Numerous convoys have also been observed sailing N. of Scotland to east coast ports. This means that the North Channel, Minch and Moray Firth areas are more important for the operation of the next wave of U-boats. At the moment the North Channel is always occupied by 2 boats, boats appear every now and then in Moray Firth and off the Minch. Off the Western approach to the Channel there will be another void during the next few days, as the boats have to leave their positions and either refuel in Lorient or return home for major repairs. |
18.7. |
U 99 reported her successes as 31,300 tons and one prize which has course instructions for Bordeaux. The boat requested to refuel in Lorient. She is expected to enter port in company with U 56 on 21.7. |
U 34 entered Lorient, she sank 7 steamers, totaling 26,338 tons, and the destroyer "Whirlwind". She will be ready to put to sea again on 22.7. |
U 52 requested limited supplies for her return passage, which is necessary owing to engine trouble. She has so far sunk 24,700 tons and reported no traffic in square BE 56 - BF 46. |
19.7. |
U 30 reported considerable engine damage: one piston broke, damaging the crank case and causing large cracks in the engine casing. She will have to break off the Gibraltar operation and return home, she will first be sent to Lorient for impromptu repairs. As there are at present so few boats in the Atlantic and meanwhile a Halifax convoy has been announced, I have decided not to detail another boat for the Gibraltar operation, so that besides U 34 at least U 99 can also be used against the Halifax convoy. |