Shetlands the boat found little patrol, but also no shipping. On her way there she had to abandon the attack on a convoy as, when she hauled ahead, the Shetlands were between her and the convoy. |
U 32, about whom considerable concern had been felt, reported her position. A few days ago she reported petrol gas in the boat, which proves that there is danger in transporting petrol, even in outer fuel tanks. |
5.5. |
U 25 and U 65, the only boats west of the Shetlands, have been given freedom of action in the whole area. |
U 32 entered Trondheim, U 14 Kiel. Her experience off Bergen and NW of the Shetlands do not differ from those of other boats. |
UA and U 101 have been ordered to return direct from Trondheim.Now that the English have retreated from the whole of southern Norway, an operation against the supply routes to Narvik doesn't promise success. |
According to radio intelligence reports, 2 steamers, one a 6,000 tonner, have run into the minefield laid by U 9 in the Firth of Moray. This is further proof of the fact that such minefields, laid with the mines far apart, are successful in the long run. |
"Gneisenau" struck an a/c mine between the Elbe and the Jade. It is thus necessary for boats to proceed only with mine escort until they reach the 25 meter line. This will mean delays, with the few forces we have at present which are suitable as escort against contact mines. |
U 24, 57, 59, 61 were first ordered to Wilhelmshaven instead of to the Elbe, as it was thought that the mine hit had occurred in the Elbe, Gneisenau having given a wrong position. |
6.5. |
U 9 sailed for case "GELB", UA and U 101 for Trondheim. |
U 25, 24, 57, 59, 61 entered Wilhelmshaven, U 25 unexpectedly. She had trouble with her transmitter during the last few days and could not report. She made the same observations as the other boats in the Westfjord, but the Commanding Officer knew how to make clever use of the positive aspects of disposition in the fjords. He is probably responsible for the sinking of a destroyer off Narvik. U 24 had no opportunities to attack off Bergen and NE of the Shetlands. |
U 61 was operating first off Trondheim (Gripshoelm) and then off the Minch. Her experiences agree with those of U 13 (see 2.5). Off the Minch she sighted the "Warspite" at 12,000 meters and later had to start on her return passage as one diesel was out of action. |
U 57 and U 59 confirm the impression that it is now hardly possible to operate east of the Orkneys and Shetlands. U 57 was heavily depth-charged. She had 2 unmistakable gyro failures and so lost her chances of success. |
Since 16.1 U 57 has been at sea for 82 days out of 111 (-74%). With this, the limits of the possible have been reached. |