She has now sunk a total of 16 ships, 114,510 tons, in 4 patrols. Her sinking figures are the highest at present. She has done excellent work, especially as her last patrol was a mining as well as torpedo operation. Successes from the minelay are not yet known, but can certainly be expected, and will have to be added to the figures sunk given above. |
With regard to the C.O.'s decision to pursue the convoy instead of taking up the "Ark Royal" position, it is a fact that he did not act in accordance with orders. |
But in view of the impression which he had, he only realized late that he had done wrong. I have therefore omitted to take any further action. |
25.2 |
U 26 reported that she was starting on her return passage. |
No news has been received of U 41. She did not turn up for supply "Cata". She should have reported if she had been prevented from carrying out the supply operation. She cannot yet be presumed lost for certain, but her loss is likely. |
26.2 |
U 32 and U 38 left for their operations areas in accordance with Operations Orders No. 26 and 29. |
27.2 |
U 53 has been ordered to report her position. Since she reported her intention to reload torpedoes on the Irish coast, nothing has been heard of her. It is possible that she started on her return passage without reporting and has now been in the North Sea for some time. Operations control must know where she is. |
U 37 entered port. She sank: |
1) |
Tanker |
about |
6,000 |
tons |
2) |
Steamer in Zone A |
" |
7,000 |
" |
3) |
" " B |
" |
4,500 |
" |
4) |
Patrol vessel |
" |
? |
" |
5) |
Steamer in Zone B |
6,500 |
" |
6) |
Steamer |
7,000 |
" |
7) |
" |
8,000 |
" |
8) |
Tanker |
6,000 |
" |
45,000 |
tons |
An excellent patrol. |
The boat observed strong enemy patrols off the Spanish coast, which confirms the recent radio intelligence picture. This will have to be taken into consideration for later operations. |
28.2 |
U 53 did not report. The order has been repeated. |
29,2 |
No news of U 53. Otherwise nothing to report. |
(signed): Donitz |
Rear Admiral and B.d.U. |