have been ordered in radio message 1445 to make the following routes: |
a) Between Iceland and the Faroes: |
North third U 45 |
center third U 46 |
South third U 48/52 |
b) Between the Faroes and the Shetlands: |
North third U 47/37 |
center third U 38/41 |
South third U 39/40 |
c) Between the Shetlands and Norway: |
West third U 37, 38, 39, 41 |
center third U 40, 45, 46 |
East third U 47, 48, 52. |
There is still no news of U 26. There is however no reason to worry, as the operation may have been delayed for a variety of reasons. |
1200 |
U 31 and 35 sailed according to operations order No. 6 they are to occupy: |
U 31 Area C East of 90 West. |
U 35 Area F East of 70 West. |
It is probable, however, that, when they arrive, the boats which put to sea first (U 28, 29, 33, 34) will have to start on their return passage. |
New positions will therefore have to be ordered for U 26 and 32, and U 53, 27, and 30 which are remaining at sea. |
According to reports from U 17, which has returned from a mining operation in the Downs, there is no reason to suppose that the Channel is not passable. U 31 and U 35 have therefore, been ordered to proceed through the Channel and to report their observations of the situation there as opportunity arises. |
The results of the conferences on the development of the U-boat Arm are as follows: |
When C-in-C Navy visited Headquarters West I gave him a short expose of my memorandum and emphasized the necessity of setting up a U-boat Department. C-in-C Navy said that large scale U-boat construction was planned and that he intended to put a head of Department in charge of this. |
On the 4.9 C-in-C Navy's adjutant rang up and said that C-in-C had read my memorandum. He did not however, in any circumstances wish F.O. U/B to take over this commitment of Supreme Command of the Navy. C-in-C requested my views on the question of putting Rear-Admiral ARNAULD at the head of a U-boat Department to be formed. I replied that I would give my answer next day, as the fitting of such a post would have very widespread consequences. |
I decided: |